VIVA Foundation for Children with Cancer

In 2011, Far East Organisation generously gave VIVA Foundation the 3rd floor of the Novena Specialist Centre in order to help children with cancer.
With a vision of creating a childhood cancer hub – VIVA pulled together some of the key charities and organisations in Singapore to form the VIVA-CCF Hub. The Hub was officially opened by First Lady Mrs Mary Tan in March 2013. Today, the Hub houses VIVA Foundation, Children’s Cancer Foundation, the Singapore Cord Blood Bank, the Bone Marrow Donor Program as well as a PALS school for children with cancer.
As our children have low immunity while they are undergoing treatment like chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the PALS school which is operated by CCF, provides a safe and infection-controlled environment for the children to study and play until they are ready to transition into the mainstream schools.
VIVA Foundation for Children with Cancer @ VIVA-CCF Hub
Office Address:
8 Sinaran Drive, #03-01 VIVA-CCF Hub,
Novena Specialist Centre, Singapore 307470
Tel No.: (65) 6694 3370
Fax No.: (65) 6694 3372
Opening Hours:
9am – 5pm Monday to Friday (VIVA-CCF Hub)
VIVA-University Children’s Cancer Centre (VUC3) @ National University Hospital
Level 9A of NUH Medical Centre & Ward 8B of Kent Ridge Wing,
National University Hospital of Singapore
5 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119074
Tel No.: (65) 9722 0361 (Helpline) / (65) 6772 5030 (Appointments)
Fax No.: (65) 6872 4314